Geostatistical analyses of communication routes in a geo-strategic and regional development perspective
Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor, Răzvan Andrei Oprea, Liviu Bogdan Vlad
Rezumat/Abstract. Accessibility is a key concept in regional development, with numerous ties to territorial cohesion and polycentricity. Moreover, it also exhibits a geo-strategic function, anchored in the international relationships between countries and continents. The article reviews several case studies, placing analyses of the Romanian accessibility in a broader context. The results show that regional development, overall EU connectivity and possible transit fluxes are prevented by the configuration or lack of communication routes. Increasing the accessibility of regions must be a priority of governments, regardless of political opinions. It is expected that the transition of economy to post-carbon era or other models – green economy, knowledge-based economy etc.) – to result into the emergence of new poles and axes of development, and ensure transport sustainability.
Cuvinte cheie/Key words: cohesion, polycentricity, accessibility, sustainability, EU
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