Proposal for functional conversions - Bucharest Faur
Camelia Teodorescu, Radu Vânturache, Octavian Teodorescu, Daniel Constantin Diaconu
Rezumat/Abstract. The objective of this study consists of the active involvement in what concerns finding sustainable solutions in terms of cohesion and dynamics of urban space in Bucharest. Bucharest has a particular character, is a living organism, where inevitably, at some point, there will exist the need to intervene in maintaining a balance, to function or to find a remedy, within the system of relationships, of its functions. Amid a confused political and social context (with economic interests), there have occurred in the late 25 years, the expansion tendencies which have been installed, without however being taken into account the demographic factors of landscape, the architectonic ones, the ones regarding the landscapes and last, but not least, the urbanistic ones. The partial results obtained underline the outstanding impact of the occurrence of residential assemblies and public function constructions (mainly office building) in Bucharest, especially in the areas that were occupied in the Communist period by industrial platforms. Improving the quality of life can be achieved by a comprehensive rethinking of space organizing and by providing solutions in order to ensure the optimum ratio between built space, green space and visual accessibility of those living in the new residential spaces proposed instead of former industrial areas.
Cuvinte cheie/Key words: residential space, green spaces, accessibility, urban dynamics, landscape
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