The importance of using renewable wind energy for the development of Romanian rural areas
Mari-Isabella Stan, Dragoş-Florian Vintilă, Diana-Doina Ţenea
Rezumat/Abstract. The problem of rural development and planning is complex because rural areas have a high development potential arising from their diversity and specificity. In this context, Romanian rural communities, therefore, must adapt to identify new opportunities for sustainable economic development, one of them being the renewable energy sources. This article discusses the importance of using wind energy potential in rural areas having as a case study the development of the wind farm/park in Poarta Albă commune, Constanta County. The analysis leads to the conclusion that wind energy which is a form of renewable energy can be the development engine of Romanian rural communities.
Cuvinte cheie/Key words: energy sources, wind farm/park, sustainable development, rural planning, Poarta Albă commune
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