Small landscape designs, a premise for urban sustainability
Mircea Grigorovschi, Constanţa Carmina Gheorghiţă
Rezumat/Abstract. Pedestrian public areas are the structural elements of any built framework, social cohesion areas, areas of coexistence and urban outbreaks designed programmatic to attract all types of audience, to bring together all the citizens of the city and to boost the city’s urban area; in short, showcase of the city. The quality of the urban space is determined primarily by the quality of the public spaces corresponding to the city, the spaces that the city offers for the common use of the inhabitants. This paper refers mainly to the pedestrian traffic areas and those situated in their immediate vicinity with direct connection with the latter, without a precise destination, with a predominant artificial structure and constituent elements (fronts, fencing, flooring, construction, etc.) without volumetric, architectural and special plastics qualities and even completely deconstructed.
Cuvinte cheie/Key words: urban landscape, urban public space, small gardens, abandoned places, deconstructed spaces
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