Developing a strategy for sustainable tourism. Case study: Constanta metropolitan area
Mari-Isabella Stan, Diana Ţenea, Dragoş Vintilă
Rezumat/Abstract. Recently, there has been an interest in stimulating the development role of urban centers in Romania, in the context of regional and spatial planning. The accession of Romania to the European Union and the need to absorb EU funds were the main reasons behind the emergence of the legal framework for the development of metropolitan areas as urban growth poles. Constanta, situated on the Black Sea coast, is an important tourist city of the country which has developed as a center of trade between East and West, with good prospects in terms of sustainable tourism development because it’s the fourth largest port in Europe, has an international airport, inland waterway, and a functional highway. Tourism is an important economic component, which from the perspective of using the dimension of sustainable development - economic sustainability can become a key factor for a balanced metropolitan development. The purpose of this paper is to show the necessity to develop a strategy for tourism in the Constanta Metropolitan Area, strategy which could contribute to achieving a high level of economic and social development, a high standard of living for all its inhabitants.
Cuvinte cheie/Key words: metropolitan area, urban growth pole, strategy, sustainable tourism, Constanta
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