Dynamics of the functional profile of the urban-rural interface of Târgovişte
Maria Gianina Vlădeanu, Cristina Georgiana Petrea
Rezumat/Abstract. Economic restructuring of central places is a complex process, which has to take into account the emerging rural surroundings as well, in the sense that these have to assume a part of the economic activities pertaining to the secondary sector. The government policy of supporting the entrepreneurial sector, which is in force since the year 2000, has rapidly entailed desirable effects: a boost of the national business environment and a better dynamics of the small and medium-sized enterprises. In this context, we have selected, processed and analyzed the following statistical information: number of companies, number of employees, turnover and profit. This was done on spheres of activity (according to the National Classification of Economic Activities), but also at the level of Târgovişte and its first ring of settlements. By processing these primary indicators for the mentioned administrative units, we were able to compute and establish the distribution of the functional diversity index. This expresses, on the one hand, the diversity of the fields of activity and the economic profile of an area, and on the other hand, analyzed from a temporal perspective, it shows to what extent the urban-rural interface has taken over the ultra-specialized labor force of Târgovişte.
Cuvinte cheie/Key words: functional diversity, central place, emerging territorial system, economic restructuring
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