Caracteristicile sectorului antreprenorial din sistemele teritoriale emergente / Characteristics of the entrepreneurial sectoral in emergent territorial systems [in Romanian]
Daniel Peptenatu, Cristian Drăghici, Radu-Daniel Pintilii, Andrei Schvab
Rezumat/Abstract. Economic ventures concentrated inside these urban clusters in a short span of time, and they registered a spectacular evolution, compared to the neighboring areas. Intensification of the linkages between cities with more than 300,000 inhabitants in Romania and the surrounding areas led to the individualization of territorial systems apart, with a spectacular evolution of economic-social processes, which turn those systems into the most dynamic territorial structures. The present study means to identify the causes of those complex processes within emerging territorial systems, the manner of functional organization of the space, and the causes that determine the spectacular evolution of the economic processes within emerging systems. Special attention was paid to the implementation of infrastructure projects, and to the manner they influenced the dynamics of the entrepreneurial sector.
Cuvinte cheie/Key words: emerging territorial systems, territorial dynamics, territorial management
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