Le caractere des places publiques en Roumanie contemporaine - le cas de la ville de Iasi / Characteristics of public places in contemporary Romania. Case study: Iasi city [in French]

Andreea Grigorovschi

Rezumat/Abstract. Starting from the three levels of lecturing (formal, political, and social) and their inter-relations, three public squares in Iasi City are analyzed throughout the key moments of their history (origin, evolution, and present state). This approach aims to prove the relationships between different historical periods, changes of political ideologies/regimes, morphological transformations and their use by population, with the final goal of establishing their characteristics. The study is also aimed at offering new insights for the future of these spaces, in the contemporary context of globalization.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: public square, public space, political space, social space, urban morphology, Iasi, Romania

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