Casă pasivă independentă energetic realizată în sistem „Folex”/ Energy-independent passive house in “Folex” system [in Romanian]

Alina Tîrtea, Marin Marin, Laurenţiu Breaz, Sebastian Kincses

Rezumat/Abstract. This paperwork presents a new construction system, for designing a house, conceived and patented by S. C FOLEX S. R. L. This system is based on modular elements named „BSF” with reinforced concrete ribs. For collecting and using the solar energy was draw up a parabolic dish which confers to energetic independence to the building regardless of area emplacement. The proposed solutions are characterized by originality succeeding to achieve the passive house criteria.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: passive house, modular elements „BSF”, parabolic solar panel

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