Sistem integrat de tip geospaţial pentru localizarea şi protecţia siturilor arheologice. Dezvoltare zona pilot: judeţul Tulcea / Integrated geospatial system for locating and protecting archeological sites. Development in Tulcea County [in Romanian]
Oana Popescu
Rezumat/Abstract. The paper describes a project carried on during 2007-2010 carried on by Crescendo International – head of the project, with NRI URBAN-INCERC, URBANPROIECT branch, the Institute for Eco-Museum Research in Archeology Tulcea and ELECTROVÂLCEA S.R.L. The aim of the project was to elaborate a methodology of geospatial localization, electronic marking and coding of historical sites in order to protect and introduce them in tours. The methodology was applied through case studies to some archeological sites in Tulcea County.
Cuvinte cheie/Key words: geospatial location, GIS, data base, historical monuments, Tulcea
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