Implementarea programului naţional de reabilitare termică a locuinţelor. Avantaje şi dezavantaje / Implementation of the national thermal rehabilitation of buildings: advantages and disadvantages [in Romanian]

Daniel-Gabriel Vâlceanu

Rezumat/Abstract. Thermal rehabilita tion of collective housing blocks represent a national priority. The cause is the low level of thermal insulation which results in higher energy consumption. The vast majority of collective housing are built before 1990 they do not comply with thermal and sound insulation, due to the structural degra dation over time. Implementation of the rehabilitation program must meet quality standards required by current legislation. Failure to achieve this involves a series of structural problems that arise in the medium and long term.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: rehabilitation of thermal and sound proofing, thermal isola tion, collective housing, energy audits, technical expertise

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