Answer to the complaints against the article “On urban safety in the occident: Some relevant observations”, T. Kauko, Urbanism Architecture Constructions 12(1): 67-72

Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor, Andrei Mitrea

Rezumat/Abstract. The present article is a summary of investigations carried out in response to the complaints against the article “On urban safety in the occident: Some relevant observations”, published by T. Kauko in Urbanism Architecture Constructions 12(1): 67-72. The results indicate that the article was peer reviewed in compliance with the standard policies of our journal, and the requests for retracting it, phrased in two of the three complaints, are not justified, as none of the conditions recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as possible reasons for retracting the article is met.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: article, complaint, investigation, COPE, Kauko

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