Justification of educational institutions environmental reconstruction in accordance with the UI green metric rating and environmental standards
Elena Tichomirova, Elena Sukhinina
Rezumat/Abstract. Educational institutions certified according to international and national environmental standards in construction were studied. The equipment of schools and universities with ecological architectural and engineering solutions is analyzed. The sections of environmental standards for certification of educational institutions BREEAM Education (UK), LEED for School New Construction and Major Renovations (USA), GB/T51356-2019 “assessment Standard for green campus” (China), GREEN ZOOM “Universities, campuses and innovative scientific and technological centers” (Russia) are considered. A comparative analysis of the data of environmental certification systems with the allocation of priority areas is carried out. Using the example of Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (Saratov, Russia), a new concept for the ecological reconstruction of General education institutions is proposed.
Cuvinte cheie/Key words: general education institution, campus, environmental certification, sustainable construction, environmental standard
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