The application of particle swarm optimization algorithm to plan redesigns of residential complexes. A case study in the high-rise apartment complex in Mashhad, Iran

Maryam Sadeghian, Akram Hosseini

Rezumat/Abstract. The special features of some old residential complexes make reconstructing a better option than rebuilding. The complexity of redesign issues, the ability of computers to solve problems, and the capability of evolutionary optimization techniques in architecture make the use of these methods a priority over traditional processes. This paper, while introducing Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) as one of the swarm intelligence based algorithms, answers the question of how this algorithm can be used to redesign residential complexes. To achieve this, after reviewing the application of PSO algorithms in architectural space planning, the redesign criteria and constraints was divided into four categories; including primary design specifications, contact-related criteria, designer-related criteria and redesign-related constraints. After the quantification process of these criteria, how to implement the algorithm to achieve optimal plans for each of the five plan types available in high-rise apartment complex in Mashhad, Iran, was shown as a case study.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: evolutionary optimization, particle swarm optimization algorithm, redesign, Mashhad’s high-rise apartment complex

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