Innovative Decision Making Tools used in territorial planning and urban management

Antonio Valentin Tache, Oana-Cătălina Popescu

Rezumat/Abstract. In modern cities, decision-making in urban planning activity is related with the analysis and processing of a large amount of data describing the state of all urban subsystems, which involves the participation of specialists in many fields of science and practice. Today, these tasks are performed in a scientific way, based on experience and qualification. The main objective of the CRISALIDE project is the development of a decision support system for urban environment management. It is envisaged to be used by representatives of state authorities and local governments, enterprises and local organizations, as well as by individuals working in fields like sustainable development, social innovation, information or communication technologies. Modern methods and geo-information systems are used to improve efficiency of urban management and to reduce the planning costs at different levels. The expected result when achieving the main objective of the project is the IDMT tool (Integrated Decision Making Tool), an online platform based on IGIS (Intelligent Geographic Information Systems), which aims to support local authorities from the city of Rostov-on-Don (Russia) in order to streamline the urban management and to reduce redundant planning costs.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: urban planning, co-participation, GIS, schemes, IDMT

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