Impacts of urbanization and tourism on the erosion and accretion of European, Asian and African coastal areas and possible solutions

Huu Duy Nguyen, Walid Hamma, Mari-Isabella Stan, Van Truong Tran, Roxana Aştefănoaiei, Quang-Thanh Bui, Dragoş-Florian Vintilă, Quang Tuan Pham, Cristina Lixăndroiu, Quang Hai Truong, Diana-Doina Ţenea, Ioan Ianoş

Rezumat/Abstract. Coastal areas are very important due to the ecosystem services provided to the inhabitants. However, these advantages have resulted into an increasing attraction, especially in the recent centuries. The human pressure determined numerous impacts on the ecosystems and ultimately on the safety and welfare of the coastal inhabitants, aggravated by the consequences of the global changes. The present study aims to explore two particular impacts, erosion and accretion, based on statistical data and unpublished studies, in an effort to increase the awareness towards the fact that the issue has a global extent. In addition, possible solutions are examined. The results indicate that erosion and accretion are present in all the three countries examined, and their extent tends to increase. Our findings suggest a need to act urgently; the phenomena need to be stopped first using engineering solutions, but a careful planning is needed in the long run, especially through restrictions meant to stop the “derogatory planning”. Last but not least, the conservation of fragile ecosystems by including them in natural protected areas is a possible solution.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: accretion, erosion, land cover and use changes, civil engineering, urban sprawl, wetlands

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