Author Guidelines

1. File types
The journal “Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions” considers that DOCX files are proprietary and does not accept them in any circumstances. Sending DOCX files results into an immediate rejection of the submission. Editable documents (including the articles and responses to the reviewers) should be in a format compatible with Microsoft Office 2003 or earlier (DOC or RTF), and non-editable documents (including signed pledge forms) should be in PDF format (JPEG/JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, GIF etc. are not accepted).

2. Submission
The journal “Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions” publishes original theoretical or applied research papers (structured as short communications or full papers) in urbanism (including theoretical and methodological developments, and examples from the practice of urban and spatial planning), architecture (including novel solutions and projects, reviews and theoretical papers), constructions (including constructive solutions, theory and practice of all building sciences and economy of constructions), and connected fields (urban and territorial geography, ecology, sociology, economics, demography etc., with territorial relevance), integrated analysis and territorial management, as well as literature reviews, conference or other event reports, and book reviews, written in English.

The journal offers free access to the electronic version of articles to everyone.

No article will be published without peer review, consisting of an assessment of its scientific quality by members of the editorial board, and checked by the editorial team with respects to its compliance with the editing guidelines. Reviewers will decide whether the article can be published as submitted or conditioned by changes, and reject articles not meeting the quality standards. Articles accepted by reviewers are rejected if authors systematically refuse to comply with the Author Guidelines. Conference or other event reports and book reviews are not subject to peer review.

The strict compliance with the Author Guidelines is a condition for the acceptance of any submission. The Author Guidelines are mandatory requirements and not simple recommendations meant for orientation purposes. The use of a different editing program, not compatible with the standards of MS Word 2003 or earlier, cannot be used as an excuse for altering the template or not observing the Author Guidelines. Their observance of falls entirely under the responsibility of authors; our journal does not provide editing services.

Regardless of the discipline, the articles will be structured as either brief communications (max. 4 pages) or extended papers (max. 30 pages), and submitted by e-mail, as attachments, to uac[at] (please replace [at] with @). Correspondence must be written in English only.

Since our server does not allow large attachments, authors are asked to upload the files unto a file hosting server and indicate through an e-mail their location. Copying and pasting our address is not recommended, as automatic messages are usually filter. Please send a regular e-mail containing the URL instead.

2.1. Peer reviewing
The peer review process is double blind until the publication of papers. Submissions will be checked by the Chief Editor. If the Author Guidelines are not observed or major problems are noticed, the article will be immediately rejected and authors informed on the reasons. Articles that passed successfully this stage are reviewed by two members of the Editorial Board, receiving a copy that does not contain the name and affiliation of authors or other identifying information (e.g., name of the funding grant). If reviewers find or suspect the identity of authors, they must act regardless of the ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship, religious beliefs or political orientation of the authors, or report to the Editor any potential conflict. If there are minor differences, the decision is taken by the Chief Editor based on the importance of the submission, assessed in accordance with the Editorial Policy. If their opinions differ substantially, a third reviewer will be contacted. If the reviewers require revisions, authors must submit, in addition to the revised manuscript, an anonymous letter stating the changes performed or motivating the refusal to address them. In the next round, reviewers will be asked to assess whether their suggestions were properly addressed. Rejected submissions will not be returned to authors, but the authors will be informed on the editorial decision. For accepted papers included in an issue, reviewers are acknowledged collectively using their first initials and last names, except for those specifically stating that their names should not be disclosed. After acceptance, articles are checked for plagiarism using a specialiyed program.

2.2. Compliance with formatting requirements
The submissions accepted for publication upon the recommendation of the Editorial Board, but not meeting the formatting requirements will be returned to the authors for re-editing, resulting into delaying their publication to the next issues. Articles not meeting the editing rules after three editing rounds are automatically rejected despite of the reviewers’ recommendation.

2.3. Editorial policy
The editorial policy is designed to yield to articles that comply to their best with the Author Guidelines, particularly those related to the format of references and in-text citations and refer all images or tables in the text.

2.4. Ethical and legal issues
The submission of a paper implies that the paper has not been published or submitted and is not considered for publication by any other journal, that the study described by the paper is original, and the presentation of other materials does not violate any other author’s rights. In addition, the contents of the paper is known and approved by all authors, who contributed to writing the paper and/or carrying out the research described in the paper. The authors assume the full responsibility for the contents, correctness and originality of the submissions. If the papers are accepted for publication in “Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions”, the authors are advised to cede the copyright to the journal, maintaining at the same time their author’s rights. With respect to all the above, authors are required to fill in and sign the pledge form available at after the acceptance of their submission.

3. Editing

3.1. Structure and layout
Articles should be submitted as MS Word documents (version 2003 or prior) using one of the corresponding templates at Authors are advised to type their text into the template or, if using “Copy-Paste”, to choose only the option “Paste as unformatted text”, remaking the tables and copying each image separately. Romanian authors who write articles directly in Romanian and translate them later are asked to send the Romanian version also in order to speed up the evaluation. This advice is not applicable to authors who write directly in English.
3.2. Structure and layout
Articles should have the following structure:
1. A title of at most two rows
2. Names of the authors and affiliation (institution, department, e-mail) on separate rows
3. Abstract of no more than 50 words for brief communications and 200 for extended papers.
4. No more than 5 keywords, following the abstract.
5. The paper will be written in English, and structured using the headings: introduction (presenting the background and objectives), the text (methods, results, discussion or any other structure), conclusions, and references that must be cited in the text as well. If this structure is not suitable, authors can use a different one, but the introduction and conclusions must be always present. All sections, except for the references and acknowledgements, will be numbered using the decimal system, e.g.: 1. Chapter name, 1.1. Sub-chapter name, 1.1.1. Sub-sub chapter etc. Figures and tables should be numbered (1, 2, 3 etc.), and referred as: Table 1, Fig. 2 etc. Large figures and tables, not fitting the column layout, will be inserted on one column at the end, even though their succession does not correspond to numbering, indicating their position in text. The editorial team will reposition them at a later stage.

3.3. Quoting references in text
The references will be quoted in the text using parentheses and specifying:
1. The author and year: Smith, 2006 for papers with a single author
2. The authors and year for papers with two authors: Smith and Jones, 2006
3. The first author followed by et al. and year for papers with more authors: Smith et al., 2006
4. The author and years for more papers of the same author written in different years: Smith, 2006, 2008.
5. The author, year, and an indicative o the alphabetic order for papers written by the same author in the same year: Smith, 2006a, 2006b
6. Separation by semicolon of more papers: Smith, 2006; Jones, 2008.

3.4. Reference list
The journal “Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions” requires articles that are well-grounded in the existing literature, showing an up-to-date knowledge of worldwide developments. The reference list must be primarily based on published materials (with ISBN or ISSN) and focused on the mainstream international literature. We recommend authors to limit to a necessary core the list of unpublished materials, especially of those not undergoing peer review (Internet websites, unpublished brochures etc.).
The papers will be cited in the reference according to the model below (compliance involves observing all the details, such as abbreviating first names to a single initial, lack of comma between last name and initial and all requirements visible in the examples and specified in the detailed guidelines):
1. For publications with ISBN (books, conference proceedings including CDs with ISBN)
a) Books, CDs: Name of the author (year), title, publishing house, place:
Nica E. (2010), Elaboraration and use of case studies in human resource management [in Romanian], Editura Economică, Bucharest, Romania.
b) Book chapters: Name of the author (year), title, in: authors and editors (role), title, publishing house, place, pages:
Ellger C. (2000), Soft City Impossible? The chances for ecological urban development, in: Ianoş I., Pumain D., Racine J. B. (Eds.), Integrated Urban Systems and Sustainability of Urban Life, Editura Tehnică, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 35-47.
2a. For papers published in journals (with ISSN): Name of the author (year), title, title of the journal, volume(issue): start-end pages:
Matthews T. J. (2014), Integrating Geoconservation and Biodiversity Conservation: Theoretical Foundations and Conservation Recommendations in a European Union Context, Geoheritage 6(1): 57-70, DOI:10.1007/s12371-013-0092-6.
2b. For papers published in journals (with ISSN): Name of the author (year), title, title of the journal, volume(issue): article number:
Ma R., Furuya K. (2024), Social Media Image and Computer Vision Method Application in Landscape Studies: A Systematic Literature Review, Land 13(2): 181, DOI:10.3390/land13020181.
3. For other publications or documents: Name of the author (year), title, other details, place:
Mureşanu F. (2010), City in the information age [in Romanian], Doctoral Dissertation, “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning, Bucharest, Romania.
4. For Internet sites: Name of organization or person editing the website (year of last update), title, complete address without hyperlink
RAIC (2015), Sustainable Architecture,
Titles of articles, chapters and books written in any other language than English must be translated, indicating the original foreign title between brackets (“[]”, not “()”).
If DOIs are available (for articles, books, chapters, and any others), they must be provided.

4. Other requirements
The authors are kindly asked to avoid when writing the paper:
1. The use of footnotes or endnotes. Comments will be inserted in the text, as a paragraph or between brackets, and references are a separate chapter.
2. Excessive editing of the text, including the font (use of other fonts, sizes, and colors than those in the model) and paragraph (spaces above or below inserted in any other way than using empty rows, different right and left alignment, moving the first character to the right or left). The only edits are the use of bold, italic, and bold-italic characters, sub-scripts and superscripts, and the justification and single spacing of paragraphs.
3. Insertion of graphic elements such as frames, arrows, etc. The only allowed graphics are images and charts, which must be single unitary objects inserted as a paragraph in line with the text or with a table, if positioned within it.
4. Abbreviation of a first name to more than one initial. For instance, Friedriech becomes F. and not Fr.

In order to help authors complying with the Guidelines, we offer a visual handbook, specifying the most common mistakes, at and a set of detailed guidelines included in the template file or available at