In order to search for articles within the past issues, please click within the white box below.

Vol. 16, issue no. 1 / 2025


Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 16, issue no. 1
  • Živa Kristl, Martina Zbašnik-Senegačnik, Ajda FošneroInfluence of design elements on reaction to window views
  • Yanu Aryani, Rachmadhi Purwana, Herdis Herdiansyah, Jatmika Adi SuryabrataBridging the gap in green building research: The role of post occupancy evaluation
  • Suzanne Segeur-Villanueva, Natalia Caicedo-Llano, Daniela Godoy, Hernán OrozcoTurning sociocultural background difficulties into an educational opportunity
  • Elena Cristina Mândrescu, Andreea Iulia Panait, Melania Coralia Maria Dulămea, Tudor-Matei PelinArchitectural Pedagogy. Tutors and Students Address Global Challenges
  • Maria Bostenaru DanOn disaster ruins: review of Le Roy F., Wynants N., Hoens D., Vanderbeeken R. (Eds.) (2011), Tickle Your Catastrophe!: Imagining Catastrophe in Art, Architecture and Philosophy (Studies in Performing Arts and Media), Academia
  • Mohammed Amin Benbouras, Lyacia Sadoudi, Abdelghani LeghouchiPrediction of the resilient modulus of subgrade soil using machine-learning techniques

  • Vol. 15, issue no. 3 / 2024


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 15, issue no. 3

    Vol. 15, issue no. 2 / 2024
    (issue dedicated to the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Aspects of Architecture (ICMAD), 2023, K. R. Mangalam University, Gurugram, Haryana, India)


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 15, issue no. 2

    Vol. 15, issue no. 1 / 2024


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 15, issue no. 1

    Vol. 14, issue no. 3 / 2023


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 14, issue no. 3
  • Hayet Mebirouk, Walid HammaParticipatory diagnosis, a tool for analyzing and helping to enhance the historic center of Annaba in Algeria
  • Miruna DrăghiaA review of the Romanian legal framework concerning metropolitan areas and functional urban areas. Over a decade of changes
  • Mohamed Noby, Mohamed E. Elattar, Omar HamdyA Machine Learning Model to Predict Urban Sprawl Using Official Land-use Data
  • Maria Bostenaru DanBook review: Wieczorek A., Schenk G. J., Juneja M., Lind C. (Eds.) (2014), Human. Nature. Disaster. From Atlantis till today [in German], Schnell und Steiner, Regensburg, Germany
  • Andrei Mitrea, Alexandru-Ionuţ PetrişorBoţic S. (coordinator) (2021), Law no. 50/1991 on authorizing the execution of construction works. Comments and case law by article, Hamangiu Press, Bucharest, Romania
  • Gülşah GüleçLess sculptural more intellectual: conceptualizing landscape in the architecture of 1990s and 2000s
  • Vakhtang DavitaiaA Brief Profile of Lino Bianco
  • Kashif Ali, Sajjad MubinMeasuring effectiveness of safety management system of multistory building: fire safety audit

  • Vol. 14, issue no. 2 / 2023
    (issue dedicated to the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Aspects of Architecture (ICMAD), 2022, K. R. Mangalam University, Gurugram, Haryana, India)


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 14, issue no. 2

    Vol. 14, issue no. 1 / 2023


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 14, issue no. 1
  • Huu Duy Nguyen, Thi Thuy Hien Trinh, Dinh Kha DangFlood hazard and resilience in the watershed Nhat Le–Kien Giang in Vietnam
  • Miruna DrăghiaBook review: Schragger R. (2016), City Power: Urban Governance in a Global Age, Oxford University Press
  • Elena Tichomirova, Elena SukhininaTypology of environmentally certified buildings and their role in the formation of the architectural space of Russian cities
  • Natalia Caicedo-Llano, Suzanne Segeur-Villanueva, Daniela Godoy, Andrés AnguitaExperimental construction learning. A method in vulnerability to get over gaps
  • Nour El-Imén Bioud, Iman Oulad Laid, Mohammed Amin BenbourasEstimating the fundamental period of infilled RC frame structures via deep learning
  • Akhmad Suryadi, Taufiq RochmanThe Effect of Aluminum Waste Ash on the Concrete Compressive Strength

  • Vol. 13, issue no. 3 / 2022
    (issue dedicated to the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Aspects of Architecture (ICMAD), 2022, K. R. Mangalam University, Gurugram, Haryana, India)


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 13, issue no. 3

    Vol. 13, issue no. 2 / 2022


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 13, issue no. 2
  • Beniamin Stoica-FuchsTerritorial planning of transport network with landslide susceptibility mapping. Case study: Timiş-Cerna corridor, Romania
  • Oana-Ramona IlovanBook review: Sustainable development and territorial resilience. Territorial perspectives and multidisciplinary approaches, coordinated by Alexandru Bănică & Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor
  • Kahina Ikni, Hafsa Cherrat, Selma SaraouiThe sound experience in the converted buildings. Case of Bejaia’s kasbah library
  • Lino Bianco, David BusuttilThe restoration of the historic covered market of Valletta, Malta
  • Mohsen Sanei, Mina Khodadad, Fernando Calonge ReilloAnalyzing LEED Scoring System Based on the Priorities in Urban Housing Sustainability Literature
  • Konstantin Dmitriev, Aleksey KharitonovFoundations for Designing of Aerated Ceramic Mixtures

  • Vol. 13, issue no. 1 / 2022


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 13, issue no. 1
  • Cerasella Crăciun, Atena-Ioana GârjoabăMethods of Approaching Natural Protected Areas from the Towns of Europe
  • Duc-Loc Nguyen, Tien-Yin Chou, Mei-Hsin Chen, Thanh-Van Hoang, Trong-Phuong Tran, Thanh-Son Ngo, Ngoc-Anh Do Thi, Thu-Huong Bui, Quoc-Huy NguyenFlood susceptibility assessment in central region of Vietnam based on ensemble fuzzy logic and multivariate analysis
  • Dmitrii Iakimovich, Elena Sukhinina, Vyacheslav Sirotkin, Bulat Usmanov, Alexey KuleshovComparative analysis of environmental assessment systems of universities in Russia and China (using the example of GREEN ZOOM "Universities and Campuses" and GB/T51356-2019)
  • Arta Basha Jakupi, Festim Haliti, Teuta Jashari KajtaziHip-Hop Music Decoded in Architecture [with associated video available here]
  • Aurelia CarpovThe Ring Metaphor and the Spirit of Sofia, Kite Group, Ħamrun, Malta, 2022
  • Amina Houda, Mohammed Amin Benbouras, Hamma Zedira, Bachir Redjel, Lina LefilefThe influence of spacing between CFRP strips on the strengthened concrete slabs’ behavior

  • Vol. 12, issue no. 2 / 2021


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 12, issue no. 2

    Vol. 12, issue no. 1 / 2021


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 12, issue no. 1
  • Liliya Kazanskaya, Elena ProskuryakovaImprovement of work of urban public transport based on passenger traffic simulation
  • Mehrnaz Molavi, Farshd HoseiniAssessing the Effect of Women-Only Parks in Promoting Women's Quality of Life in Iran
  • Huu Duy Nguyen, Thi Tuong Vi Nguyen, Huu Lieu Dang, Thi Ha Thanh Nguyen, Le Tuan Pham, Tien Giang NguyenImpacts of urbanization and drought on rice surface change: case study Gianh River estuary, Vietnam
  • Fatma Zohra Hadagha, Abdallah Farhi, Christiane WeberNew tool to improve the oasis ecosystem using QGIS. Case study: Biskra city in Algeria
  • Tom KaukoOn urban safety in the occident: Some relevant observations (note: note: due to complaints regarding this article, the journal carried out an investigation; details are presented in the article Answer to the complaints against the article “On urban safety in the occident: Some relevant observations”, T. Kauko, Urbanism Architecture Constructions 12(1): 67-72 published in Vol. 13(1) of 2022)
  • Ioannis VardopoulosEnduring remnants from the urban industrial past

  • Vol. 11, issue no. 2 / 2020


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 11, issue no. 2
  • Florentina-Cristina Merciu, George-Laurenţiu Merciu, George Secăreanu, Andreea-Loreta CercleuxRecent Urbanisation and the Challenges in Capitalising upon the Built Heritage in the Northern Area of Bucharest
  • Huu Duy Nguyen, Walid Hamma, Mari-Isabella Stan, Van Truong Tran, Roxana Aştefănoaiei, Quang-Thanh Bui, Dragoş-Florian Vintilă, Quang Tuan Pham, Cristina Lixăndroiu, Quang Hai Truong, Diana-Doina Ţenea, Ioan IanoşImpacts of urbanization and tourism on the erosion and accretion of European, Asian and African coastal areas and possible solutions
  • Amin Benmokhtar, Djillali Benouar, Adel RahmouneModeling the propagation of the effects of a disturbance in a critical infrastructure system to increase its resilience
  • Andrei MitreaBook Review: Levitt A., Durrett C., Quimper Village Residents (2020), State-of-The-Art Cohousing: Lessons from Quimper Village, Kindle Direct Publishing, ISBN 978-0-945929-05-5, 145 pp.
  • Maryam Sadeghian, Akram HosseiniThe application of particle swarm optimization algorithm to plan redesigns of residential complexes. A case study in the high-rise apartment complex in Mashhad, Iran
  • Alexandra-Marina Barbu, Mihaela SanduThe importance and necessity of cost management of construction projects

  • Vol. 11, issue no. 1 / 2020


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 11, issue no. 1
  • Michael Vilenskii, Olga SmirnovaMethodology for evaluating the websites of the authorities responsible for urban planning in smart city
  • Tom KaukoIn search for a realistic perspective on urban safety: The attractiveness concerns caused by mass-immigration
  • Hynda Boutabba, Mohamed Mili, Walid Hamma, Samir-Djemoui BoutabbaSpatial logic of the neo-rural houses of the Msilien Guebla in Algeria
  • Natalia Caicedo-Llano, Suzanne Segeur-VillanuevaFreeform surfaces using architectural Spanish patterns from the Middle Age
  • Maria Bostenaru DanJürgen Kniep (2014) Houses. People. Stories [in German], Oberschwäbisches Museumsdorf Kürnbach, Bad Schussenried-Kürnbach, 64 pp., ISBN 978-3-9815212-1-4
  • Arina Shaybadullina, Grigory Yakovlev, Irina PolyanskikhShielding silicate coating modified with multi-walled carbon nanotube dispersion

  • Vol. 10, issue no. 2 / 2019


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 10, issue no. 2
  • Sorin Daniel Manole, Antonio Valentin TacheAnalysis of polycentricity of the South-East Region of Romania
  • Aleksey Kharitonov, Olga Smirnova, Michael VilenskiiPrinciples of green architecture for the historical part of Saint-Petersburg
  • Tanut WaroonkunAn investigation of nursing staff input for the co-design of an outpatient department
  • Liliya Kazanskaya, Valentin SoborHistorical railway bridges of Russia as objects of architectural heritage
  • Maria Bostenaru DanBook review: Eberle S., Pechaček P. (Eds.) (2017), Bruchsal Palace Artistic Guide [in German], Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg, Michael Imhof Verlag, 112 pp., ISBN 978-3731905271
  • Jean-Manuel SomăcescuStructuring, modulation, volume, unit, interior space in conceiving and perceiving the thermal comfort area

  • Vol. 10, issue no. 1 / 2019


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 10, issue no. 1
  • Tom KaukoHow to pick relevant sustainability criteria for the built environment: A bottom-up approach
  • Daniel Constantin Diaconu“Water as hazard and water as heritage. Report of the European Geosciences Union Topical Event in Rome, 13-14. June 2016” by Maria Boştenaru-Dan and Alex Dill, Scientific Publishing, 2018, ISBN 978-3-7315-0736-9, DOI 10.5445/KSP/1000076621
  • Maria Bostenaru DanBook Review: Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg (Ed.) (2018), Castle Bruchsal. The Beletage – Baroque splendor newly rediscovered [in German], Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag et Media, Mainz am Rhein, Germany, 512 pp, ISBN 978-3-961760-47-3
  • Bilal Benbellil, Said Kebdani, Ratiba Mitiche Kettab, Mohammed Amin‎ BenbourasComparative modelling of seismic performance of L-shaped reinforced concrete shear walls
  • Mihai Toderaşc, Vlad Iordache, Cristian PetcuThe ventilation rate influence on indoor environment quality and energy consumption
  • Mircea-Iosif Rus, Mihaela SanduTax subsidies for the research - Development activity in Romania. Case study in the building industry

  • Vol. 9, issue no. 4 / 2018


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 9, issue no. 4
  • Amara Hima, Abdelmalek Tacherift, Abdelkader AbdellaouiMetamorphosis of Mass Housing Cities: Case of El Amel neighborhood in Biskra (Algeria)
  • Mehrnaz Molavi, Ali RoshanSpatial-physical analysis of the urban smart growth indicators (case study: districts of Rasht)
  • Andrei Mitrea Book review: Meiţă V. M., Tache A.-V. (Eds.) (2018), Evaluarea policentricităţii şi a zonelor metropolitane din România (Assessing Romanian Polycentrism and Metropolitan Areas), Editura INCD URBAN-INCERC, Bucharest, Romania, 348 pp., ISBN 978-606-8165-23-3
  • Farid Rahal, Zahra HadjouInformation system for parametric architecture, dedicated to spaces allocation
  • Rui Cardoso, Anabela Paiva, Jorge Pinto, João LanzinhaStructural and material characterization of a Haussmann building
  • Fatiha ‎ Debiche, Ratiba Mitiche Kettab, Mohammed Amin‎ Benbouras, Bilal Benbellil, Lynda Djerbal, Alexandru-Ionut PetrişorUse of GIS systems to analyze soil compressibility, swelling and bearing capacity under superficial foundations in Algiers region, Algeria

  • Vol. 9, issue no. 3 / 2018


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 9, issue no. 3
  • Walid HammaThe modernization of the port area of Bejaia and its impact on the architectural heritage
  • Abdelkhaliq Mebarki, Souria Salem Zinai, Walid HammaThe factors of change in space production of three ksours in the Saharan Atlas of Algeria
  • Dana Pop, Silviu-Andrei Matu, Aurora SzentagotaiExperimental Assessment between Building Regulations and Claustrophobia
  • Lino BiancoSocial media: Third-person perceptions and insights on architecture
  • Marina Mihăilă, Daniel ComşaAlessandra Capanna – Edifici per la scuola, EDIL STAMPA Editrice dell'ANCE, Roma, 2013
  • Mohammed Amin Benbouras, Ratiba Mitiche Kettab, Hamma Zedira, Fatiha Debiche, Narimane ZaidiComparing nonlinear regression analysis and artificial neural networks to predict geotechnical parameters from standard penetration test

  • Vol. 9, issue no. 2 / 2018


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 9, issue no. 2
  • Tiberiu Florescu, Cătălin Sârbu, Andrei Mitrea, Corina Chirilă, Alin Chiş, Vlad Cocheci, Alexandru CostinThe Architecture of an Intuitive Scientific Workflow System for Spatial Planning
  • Vlad Cocheci, Andrei MitreaYouthification in the Metropolitan Area of Cluj
  • Khadidja El-Bahdja Djebbar, Souria Salem, Abderrahmane MokhtariA multi-objective optimization approach of housing in Algeria. A step towards sustainability
  • Nur Afiqah Zakaria, Norazian Mohamed NoorImputation methods for filling missing data in urban air pollution data for Malaysia
  • Hayet Mebirouk, Fatiha Boubendir-Mebirouk, Walid HammaMain sources of pollution and its effects on health and the environment in Annaba
  • Walid HammaThe reasons of metamorphosis and abundance of Kabylian vernacular houses

  • Vol. 9, issue no. 1 / 2018


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 9, issue no. 1

    Vol. 8, issue no. 4 / 2017


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 8, issue no. 4
  • Walid HammaMethod of rehabilitation of old urban fabrics of Tlemcen
  • Vlad Loghin, Grigore Vasile Herman, Karina Andreea Gruia, Ana-Maria Ciobotaru, Alexandra Grecu, Octavian Perpelea, Mihaela GiurgiaFunctionality in the limits of new administrative-territorial units in Romania
  • Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor, Răzvan Andrei Oprea, Liviu Bogdan VladGeostatistical analyses of communication routes in a geo-strategic and regional development perspective
  • Mohammed Tewfik Bouroumi, Malika Kacemi, Walid HammaClimate change and their consequences on coastal zone of Ain el Turck in Oran
  • Lenka Gaňová, Martina Zeleňáková, Pavol Purcz, Daniel Constantin Diaconu, Tomáš Orfánus, Žofia KuzevičováIdentification of urban flood vulnerability in eastern Slovakia by mapping the potential natural sources of flooding - implications for territorial planning
  • Ana Maria Ilie, Grigore Vasile Herman, Ana-Maria Ciobotaru, Alexandra Grecu, Roxana Andreea Radu, Mircea Cristian Vişan, Mihaela GiurgiaThe role of tourism in structural dynamics of the economic profile of Sighişoara City

  • Vol. 8, issue no. 3 / 2017


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 8, issue no. 3
  • Chihab Selka, Imene Oussadit, Mohammed Nabil Ouissi, Juan Monjo Carrio, Walid HammaInterventions and uses of the defensive heritage in Tlemcen: Case of Bab El Quarmadin
  • Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor, Tiberiu C. FlorescuOrganizing urban planning doctoral education in a global context
  • Mohammed Tewfik Bouroumi, Lamia Khadidja Beghdoud, Walid HammaThe Algerian coastline between degradation and protection of the heritage: The case of the coastal town of Ain El Turck
  • Grigore Vasile Herman, Anca Luminiţa Deac, Ana-Maria Ciobotaru, Ion C. Andronache, Vlad Loghin, Ana Maria IlieThe role of tourism in local economy development. Bihor County case study
  • Walid HammaThe Berber buildings destroyed during the French colonial period in Tlemcen
  • Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj, Kypros Pilakoutas, Iman HajirasoulihaPrioritization of interventions for strengthening architectural heritage

  • Vol. 8, issue no. 2 / 2017


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 8, issue no. 2

    Vol. 8, issue no. 1 / 2017


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 8, issue no. 1
  • Amine M. Kasmi, Messaoud Aiche, Nabil OuissiTlemcen and the notion of “Islamic city”: Between reference texts and effective model
  • Alexandra Keller, Nicola Chieffo, Edmond Opritescu, Marius Mosoarca, Antonio FormisanoResilience of historic cities and adaptation to climate change
  • Daniel Constantin Diaconu, Daniel Peptenatu, Adrian Gabriel Simion, Radu-Daniel Pintilii, Cristian-Constantin Draghici, Camelia Teodorescu, Alexandra Grecu, Andreea Karina Gruia, Ana-Maria IlieThe restrictions imposed upon the urban development by the piezometric level. Case study: Otopeni-Tunari-Corbeanca
  • Oana Popescu, Jianca Ştefan-Gorîn, Antonio TacheTheoretical Aspects of Territorial and Metropolitan Governance
  • Alexandru-Ionuţ PetrişorAlexandru Bănică and Ionel Muntele – Resilience and Territory, 248 pp., Terra Nostra, Iaşi, 2015, ISBN 978-606-623-056-8
  • Marina MihăilăMagda Stănculescu – Architecture of the theatre’s spaces. Potential foreshadowing at the beginning of the XXI century, EUIM, 2015, ISBN 978-606-638-115-4
  • Azadeh Noorifard, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj, Mohammad Reza TabeshpourPreventing Undesirable Seismic Behaviour of Infill Walls in Design Process
  • Marin Lupoae, Francois Windeck, David Breaud, Cătălin BaciuThe masonry behaviour under contact detonation

  • Vol. 7, issue no. 4 / 2016


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 7, issue no. 4

    Vol. 7, issue no. 3 / 2016


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 7, issue no. 3
  • Oana Popescu, Jianca Ştefan-GorînThe first cities of the world in a bird’s-eye view
  • Bogdan Suditu, Daniel-Gabriel Vâlceanu, Daniela Dumbrăveanu, Aurel Gheorghilaş, Mihai TentişOutdoor advertising and urban landscape in Bucharest – a reality between planning and economics practices
  • Radu Săgeată, Nicoleta Damian, Bianca MitricăWaste management system in the riparian towns of the Romanian Danube sector
  • Răzvan-Cătălin Dobrea, Felicia-Alina Dinu, Camelia Teodorescu, Daniel DiaconuCertain industry, big giving: modelling the correlation between SRI and industry risk
  • Mircea Bârnaure, Ana-Maria Ghiţă, Daniel Nicolae StoicaSeismic performance of masonry-infilled RC frames
  • Cornelia Baeră, Henriette Szilagyi, Călin Mircea, Pieterjan Criel, Nele De BelieConcrete structures under impact loading: general aspects

  • Vol. 7, issue no. 2 / 2016


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 7, issue no. 2
  • Bogdan Suditu, Daniel-Gabriel Vâlceanu, Silviu Neguţ, Liliana Dumitrache, Mariana Nae, Gabriel Simion, Daniel VîrdolUsing ESDA for studying demographic disparities in Romanian low urban polarization areas
  • Walid Hamma, Abdelkader Djedid, Mohammed Nabil OuissiIntervention on historical city Tlemcen during 1960-2009: impacts and applicability
  • Oana Luca, Adrian-Andrei Stănescu, Florin GamanConsiderations related to housing and seismic risk
  • Camelia Teodorescu, Radu Vânturache, Octavian Teodorescu, Daniel Constantin DiaconuProposal for functional conversions - Bucharest Faur
  • Andreea Hegyi, Carmen Dico, Gabriela CălătanConstruction sustainability with adobe bricks type elements

  • Vol. 7, issue no. 1 / 2016


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 7, issue no. 1
  • Bianca Mitrică, Paul Şerban, Irena Mocanu, Amalia VârdolUrban employment and functionality in Romania in the post-communist period
  • Mari-Isabella Stan, Dragoş-Florian Vintilă, Diana-Doina Ţenea - The importance of using renewable wind energy for the development of Romanian rural areas
  • Radu-Daniel Pintilii, Ion C. Andronache, Adrian-Gabriel Simion, Cristian-Constantin Drăghici, Daniel Peptenatu, Ana-Maria Ciobotaru, Răzvan-Cătălin Dobrea, Răzvan-Mihail PapucDetermining forest fund evolution by fractal analysis (Suceava-Romania)
  • Krzysztof DrachalHouse prices and unemployment: A recent evidence from Poland
  • Aleksander Serafin - Retreat from superficiality in architecture

  • Vol. 6, issue no. 4 / 2015


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 6, issue no. 4

    Vol. 6, issue no. 3 / 2015


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 6, issue no. 3

    Vol. 6, issue no. 2 / 2015


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 6, issue no. 2

    Vol. 6, issue no. 1 / 2015


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 6, issue no. 1

    Vol. 5, issue no. 4 / 2014


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 5, issue no. 4
  • Mashrur Rahman Mishu, Uttama Barua, Irina-Alexandra StoicanThe changing nature of urban public places in Dhaka City
  • Daniel-Gabriel Vâlceanu, Robert-Alexandru Kosa, Diana-Georgiana TămîrjanUrban landscape as palimpsest
  • Alexandru-Ionuţ PetrişorThe territorial competitiveness of sustainability cannot be assessed by a single domain
  • Alina-Lorena PitulicuThe rickshaw, an urban life landmark
  • Loredana MicuThe plant world in Romanian traditions. Symbols and uses
  • Marina MihăilăAbout possible architectural routes and lectures. Bucharest - a short study
  • Mihai EneThe Bucharest of tomorrow as imagined in the last century
  • Iulius CristeaArchitecture of Estonia – old and new together
  • Veronica Maria ZybaczynskiColour - important factor in preserving the local identity
  • Mihaela (Grigorescu) ZamfirImperfect health - The medicalization of architecture

  • Vol. 5, issue no. 3 / 2014
    (issue dedicated to the Danube and Black Sea area)


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 5, issue no. 3
  • Mari-Isabella Stan, Diana Ţenea, Dragoş VintilăDeveloping a strategy for sustainable tourism. Case study: Constanta metropolitan area
  • Cristina BurteaEconomic valorization of tourism potential in the Romania-Bulgaria border area - correlation analysis
  • Elena Stancu, Amelia CazacuDATOURWAY: Transnational Strategy for the Sustainable Territorial Development of the Danube Area with Special Regard to Tourism
  • Marius Voica, Vasile Meiţă, Elena StancuDanube area spatial integration by stimulating the Romanian port cities regeneration
  • Vasile Meiţă, Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor, Emil-Sever GeorgescuPlanning, architecture, seismic, construction and energy-related criteria for sustainable spatial development in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve area
  • Alexandru-Ionuţ PetrişorMethodology for assessing environmental quality in the Romanian coastal area using GIS
  • Miroslav Taşcu-Stavre, Cristian BănicăOld and New in Vama Veche and 2 Mai

  • Vol. 5, issue no. 2 / 2014


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 5, issue no. 2
  • Andreea-Loreta Cercleux, Florentina-Cristina Merciu, Daniel PeptenatuConversion of water towers – an instrument for conserving heritage assets
  • Matei CocheciEnvironmental impact assessment of urban sprawl in the Braşov Metropolitan Area
  • Ruxandra Antal, Alexandra AntalConversion of disused spaces into theatrical spaces
  • Marina Mihăilă, Mihaela (Grigorescu) Zamfir, Ştefan MihăilescuA short study on imaging new towers within the city. Students projects
  • Liviu Gabriel Ghiţuleasa, Anca-Andreea GhiţuleasaArchitecture’s Oedipization. The built space reason of being
  • Maria Boştenaru DanThe economic impact of seismic retrofit on heritage reinforced concrete buildings
  • Alexandru A. Botici, Viorel Ungureanu, Adrian Ciutina, Alexandru Botici, Dan Dubina, Zsolt Nagy, Markku J. Riihimäki, Asko Talja, Ludovic A. FülöpSustainability challenges of residential reinforced - concrete panel buildings

  • Vol. 5, issue no. 1 / 2014


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 5, issue no. 1
  • Alaide Retana, Cesar Pena, Luz Maria OrtegaCritiques, replicas and proposals for the New Urbanism Vision
  • Raluca PetreSocio-demographic analysis in spatial planning
  • Marina Mihăilă, Cristian BănicăThe myth of urbanization through industrialization
  • Alexandru-Ionuţ PetrişorEnergy and eco-energy: the Romanian territory seen from the global change nexus viewpoint
  • Inga Genytė, Giedrius ŠiupšinskasBrick castles of Panemune regional park: Aspects of regeneration
  • Magdalena StănculescuThe influence of technological evolution over the museum’s architectural image
  • Oana Andreea CăplescuAugmented spaces, a look beyond advertising
  • Polidor Bratu, Ovidiu Vasile, Patricia Murzea, Carmen AlexandruParametric correlations between experimental results and the base isolation, in situ, structural ones
  • Claudiu-Sorin Dragomir, Emil-Sever Georgescu, Adrian SimionEnhancement of seismic resistance of buildings

  • Vol. 4, issue no. 4 / 2013


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 4, issue no. 4
  • Ilinca-Adela MărgineanuThe effects of the expansion of innovative clusters on the regional territorial development
  • Angelica I. StanMorphological patterns of urban sprawl territories
  • Maria Gianina Vlădeanu, Cristina Georgiana PetreaDynamics of the functional profile of the urban-rural interface of Târgovişte
  • Mihaela Alina RisteaA diachronic approach of landscape changes. Case study: Morii Lake and its surroundings
  • Andreea PanaitNew towns in modern urbanism: Concept & history
  • Cristina BurteaTrends in the economic evolution of urban development poles
  • Florin Marian BuhociuInnovative economic structures – support for development of urban systems
  • Veronica Maria ZybaczynskiThe colour of architecture. Past and present
  • Cristian Bănică Standard forms of construction contracts in Romania

  • Vol. 4, issue no. 3 / 2013


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 4, issue no. 3
  • Florin Marian Buhociu, Adrian ZugravuStrategies for development metropolitan areas. Case Study about configuration of the Galati Metropolitan Area
  • Catrinel Elena CotaeLogistic platforms and transfer poles: between conformation and utility
  • Mihaela Hermina NegulescuUrban regeneration through the (re)modeling of mobility, in Carol Park Area
  • Alexandru-Ionuţ PetrişorNew approach for elaborating environmental studies as part of Romanian territorial plans
  • Anca-Andreea Ghiţuleasa, Liviu Gabriel GhiţuleasaRomanian railway system in European context
  • Marina Mihăilă, Cristina BănicăWTC. A discussion on built space regeneration
  • Livia Miron, Constantin Miron, Petrache TelemanMonomaterial ecological buildings, with Mopatel® and Ecopierra® concrete
  • Radu Hariga, Andrei Duţă, Florentina LucaField survey and laboratory tests on composite materials case of GRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester) tubes for water supply
  • Marin Lupoae, Cătălin Baciu, Daniel ConstantinTheoretical and experimental research on progressive collapse of RC frame buildings
  • Silviu LambracheInvestments situation in Romania within economic crisis

  • Vol. 4, issue no. 2 / 2013


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 4, issue no. 2
  • Maria Boştenaru-DanManagement of innovation: Innovation policy in the urban development
  • Cătălin Niculae SârbuApproach levels of spatial planning in Romania or What is happiness
  • Mirela ParaschivUrban characteristics and homelessness in Bucharest
  • Bogdan-Ionuţ Râpeanu, Catrinel-Alexandra VoineaThe experience of other countries in the revitalization of streets and trails
  • Dragoş Horia BuhociuContemporary environment challenges in waterfront development
  • Alexandru-Ionuţ PetrişorMulti-, trans- and inter-disciplinarity, essential conditions for the sustainable development of human habitat
  • Gheorghe-Alexandru BărbosAspects of flexural behavior of high strength concrete elements with or without steel fibers
  • Cristian GrigoraşencoBearing capacity check of aluminum profiles
  • Adrian Simion, Claudiu-Sorin DragomirThe simulation of an industrial building demolition
  • Gheorghe CroitoruStudies and research work on the reinforcement steel and concrete surface corrosion protection methods
  • Alina Cobzaru, Victoria CotorobaiHygrothermal long-term behavior assessment for building elements
  • Nicolae Boţu, Alina Cobzaru, Dan Carastoian, George MafteiProject of Intervention Works to Restore a Historical Complex - Part I

  • Vol. 4, issue no. 1 / 2013


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 4, issue no. 1
  • Daniel Peptenatu, Cristian Drăghici, Radu-Daniel Pintilii, Andrei SchvabCharacteristics of the entrepreneurial sectoral in emergent territorial systems [in Romanian]
  • Radu Matei CocheciImportance of environmental analysis for a sustainable urban project. Berzei – Plevnei – Ştirbei Vodă area [in Romanian]
  • Daniel-Gabriel VâlceanuGentrification of living spaces – a socio-spatial restructuring process [in Romanian]
  • Andreea-Loreta Cercleux, Florentina-Cristina Merciu, Cristian Drăghici, Andrei SchvabApproaches to territorial management in functionally restructured areas [in Romanian]
  • Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor, Liliana Elza PetrişorJan Gehl – Cities for people, 269 pp., translation. S. Gugu, igloomedia, 2012, ISBN 978-606-8026-16-9 [in Romanian]
  • Cristian Bănică, Marina MihăilăOn innovation. Working paper [in Romanian]
  • Adrian Moleavin, Sergiu Cătălin PetreaFirst passive houses in Romania [in Romanian]
  • Ruxandra AntalTemple bar. A “open cultural place” [in Romanian]
  • Ioan Sorin Borcia, Iolanda-Gabriela Craifaleanu, Ioan Constantin Praun, Nicoleta Florenţa TănaseSP VRANCEA NT database – Processing Vrancea earthquake records [in Romanian]
  • Mircea-Iosif RusResearch activity in Romania - present, reformation and funding means [in Romanian]
  • Marina KöberEvolution of performance indicators of a construction company [in Romanian]

  • Vol. 3, issue no. 4 / 2012


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 3, issue no. 4
  • Daniel Peptenatu, Radu-Daniel Pintilii, Andreea-Loreta Cercleux, Daniela StoianSpecificity of development in the entrepreneurial sector in polycentric regional networks of Southwest development region [in Romanian]
  • Mihaela Hermina NegulescuInter-modality, a priority of Bucharest mobility policy in the context of economic crisis [in Romanian]
  • Anca-Andreea Ghiţuleasa, Liviu Gabriel GhiţuleasaDistance - time binomial in rail passenger transport [in Romanian]
  • Florin Marian Buhociu, Lucean MihalceaAnalysis, structure and development directions of the real estate market. Case study: Galaţi [in Romanian]
  • Letiţia BărbuicăPerformance of public space. Strategies for the industrial heritage [in Romanian]
  • Daniel-Gabriel Vâlceanu, Laura ZulaicaHabitat quality index – instrument for assessing the quality of urban habitat [in Romanian]
  • Sergiu Cătălin Petrea, Adrian MoleavinArchitectural design during the crisis time [in Romanian]
  • Veronica ZybaczynskiColor between legislation and reality [in Romanian]
  • Ştefan MihăilescuSustainable development during the economic crisis [in Romanian]
  • Claudiu-Sorin Dragomir, Daniela Dobre, Nicolae-Cristian Croicu, Emil-Sever GeorgescuIntegrated investigation of the performance of buildings [in Romanian]
  • Gheorghe CroitoruAspects of enforcement corrosion in the concrete of aerial electric line pillar with ringed section [in Romanian]
  • Ofelia Corbu, Henriette Szilágyi, Dumitru Moldovan, Maria PopReactive powder concrete enforced with steel fiber [in Romanian]

  • Vol. 3, issue no. 3 / 2012


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 3, issue no. 3
  • Cristina Burtea, Alina Chicoş, Ion PeleanuAnalysis of economic activities in Black Sea coastal area [in Romanian]
  • Angelica StanUrban maladies during the economic crisis [in Romanian]
  • Florentina-Cristina Merciu, George-Laurenţiu Merciu, Daniela StoianRomanian industrial architectural heritage – past and present [in Romanian]
  • Anca Mihaela ConstantinIndividual dwelling for low width land – a solution for the crisis period [in Romanian]
  • Ruxandra AntalThe city. “Laboratory” of urban experiences [in Romanian]
  • Cristina ChiţonuTraditional Romanian habitat – home of sustainable development [in Romanian]
  • Cătălin Căpraru, Anton ChiricăDesigning the works sustaining excavations by semi-empirical methods [in Romanian]
  • Vasilica Vasile, Alina Dima, Mihaela IonTheoretical aspects of colorimetric properties of film forming products [in Romanian]
  • Sabina GheorgheIncreasing economic competitiveness by research, innovation and technologic transfer [in Romanian]
  • Daniel Alupoae, Vlad AşuenceiGeneral landslide aspects [in Romanian]
  • Vlad Aşuencei, Daniel AlupoaeAspects on vertical design of constructions based on foundation grounds [in Romanian]
  • Silviu LambracheEffects of the economic crisis on the construction sector [in Romanian]
  • Cezar Simion-Melinte, Victor RaduDiagnostic analysis of the construction sector in Romania during 2008-2010 [in Romanian]

  • Vol. 3, issue no. 2 / 2012


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 3, issue no. 2
  • Andrei Ştefan SăbăuCase study on the components of an innovative region: Öresund Region (Denmark-Sweden)
  • George-Laurenţiu MerciuGIS approaches to the analysis of territorial and economic evolution of Reşiţa [in Romanian]
  • Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor, Ioan IanoşInstruments for assessing the biological diversity applied to socio-economic systems. Case study: Romanian regions of development
  • Daniel-Gabriel Vâlceanu, Diana-Georgiana TămîrjanQuality of habitat in Romania after joining the EU [in Romanian]
  • Raluca Petre, Constantin ChifeleaPublic consultation in spatial and urban plans. Case study: Galaţi built protected areas [in Romanian]
  • Dragoş Horia BuhociuGlobal sea transport, key for the development of modern port cities [in Romanian]
  • Mircea-Iosif RusResearch – typology and funding methods [in Romanian]
  • Magdalena Culcea, Cristian Oancea, Sorin CaluianuA trip to the world of pervasive systems [in Romanian]

  • Vol. 3, issue no. 1 / 2012


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 3, issue no. 1
  • Andreea GrigorovschiCharacter of contemporary Romanian public squares – case of Iaşi [in French]
  • Andrei Ştefan SăbăuEvaluation of plans and processes in urban planning [in Romanian]
  • George-Laurenţiu Merciu3D models of built space in Reşiţa using CAD and GIS techniques [in Romanian]
  • Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor, Ioan IanoşGeostatistical analysis of land cover and use changes in Romanian development regions [in Romanian]
  • Iulia BăjenaruAnghel Saligny: Man and Monument [in Romanian]
  • Horia Petran, Mihai-Lucian RaduAnalysis of energy and environmental performances of a solar collector during its entire life under climatic conditions specific to Romania [in Romanian]
  • Ion Scordaliu, Alina TirteaStudies of foundation solutions used thin conic and polyhedral plates [in Romanian]
  • Henriette Szilagyi, Mircea-Iosif RusOrganization and funding research in a trans-national company. Case study [in Romanian]
  • Mircea-Iosif RusNational funding of research [in Romanian]

  • Vol. 2, issue no. 4 / 2011


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 2, issue no. 4
  • Sorina-Georgiana RusuLandscape renewal of current special destination areas and old dismissed protection structures [in Romanian]
  • Cătălin Niculae SârbuViewpoint on scientific research on urban and spatial planning and decisional processes in Romania [in Romanian]
  • Dragoş Horia BuhociuGeneral directions in developing the contemporary port city [in Romanian]
  • Florin Marian BuhociuDirections of analysis and research on the evolution of economic activities in a municipality with the status of pole of urban development [in Romanian]
  • Marin TominagaUrban and spatial planning in Japan
  • Marius VoicaAmplification of energy efficiency of buildings by passive methods. Details and principles specific to ecological architecture [in Romanian]
  • Daniel ComşaImportance of interior-exterior envelop for the human habitat and urban environment. Critical discourse in pursuit of life quality generated by it [in Romanian]
  • Cornelia Dobrescu, Elena Călăraşu, Marius StoicaLandslides analysis using geological, geotechnical and geophysical data from experimental measurements in Prahova County
  • Ghiorghiţă Nicolaie ComşaPromoting floors covered by original panels with stratified parquet produced of autochthon wood species [in Romanian]
  • Mihaela Ion, Vasilica Vasile, Cornelia DobrescuGeo-synthetic materials used to consolidate earth massifs affected by instability [in Romanian]
  • Marina StoianFactors determining the size of profit in a construction company [in Romanian]
  • Mircea-Iosif RusResearch, development and innovation activity in the vision of Europa 2020 strategy [in Romanian]

  • Vol. 2, issue no. 3 / 2011


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 2, issue no. 3
  • Dragoş Horia BuhociuGeneral directions in developing waterfronts – container paradigm [in Romanian]
  • Manuela Fischanger, Lavinia Clarotto, Antonio Sfiligoj, Francesca Silvera, Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor, Vasile Meiţă, Cezar-Petre Simion-MelinteFrom Army to Entrepreneurship: Spatial planning implications
  • Gheorghe CroitoruStudy on the structure of concrete as a protective environment for enforcements against corrosion [in Romanian]
  • Anatolie IzbîndaUse of limestone residuals in producing foam concrete and their characteristics [in Romanian]
  • Daniel Covatariu, Adrian-Constantin DiaconuConservation and restoration of historical monuments: objectives and principles (engineering issues related to monuments) [in Romanian]

  • Vol. 2, issue no. 2 / 2011


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 2, issue no. 2
  • Daniela IureaConsiderations on Iaşi County settlement system [in Romanian]
  • Mihai Moţcanu-DumitrescuUrban design of sustainable development. Drawing people-place interactions to create a quality urban space [in Romanian]
  • Daniel Comşa, Rara PetrescuSustainable spatial development of waterfronts from a spatial enveloping viewpoint [in Romanian]
  • Florin Buhociu, Constantin AfanaseStructuring and evaluating the potential for public services in a Romanian pole of urban development [in Romanian]
  • Alina Tîrtea, Marin Marin, Laurenţiu Breaz, Sebastian KincsesEnergy-independent passive house in “Folex” system [in Romanian]
  • Iuliana Bucurescu, Dorel BucurescuNon-destructive determination of humidity in porous materials: a feasibility study [in Romanian]
  • Eugen Popescu, Cora StamateCriteria and levels of performance in water proof systems with extended use duration resistant to environmental impact [in Romanian]
  • Daniela StoicaIncreasing the comfort of constructions by using new products based on natural resources [in Romanian]
  • Adrian-Constantin DiaconuEnergy methods used in experimental data analysis (concept of balance point) [in Romanian]
  • Felicia Enache NiculescuUse of enforced earth for weak ground foundations [in Romanian]
  • Ion Scordaliu, Eugen LaszloStudies and experiments on dynamic characteristics of framed industrial structures [in Romanian]
  • Vasilica Vasile, Alina CioacăExperimental methods and techniques for determining construction materials emissions [in Romanian]
  • Marina StoianAnalysis of construction company performance in a decisional context [in Romanian]
  • Cristina EnulescuCompetitiveness of building sector in Europe [in Romanian]
  • Silviu LambracheBase principles of building life cycle methodology at the European level [in Romanian]
  • Mircea LazărEvolution of estimate price and its structure for construction objects [in Romanian]

  • Vol. 2, issue no. 1 / 2011


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 2, issue no. 1

    Vol. 1, issue no. 2 / 2010


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 1, issue no. 2
  • Antonio TacheMulti-criteria hierarchy based on the global current socioeconomic development index of Romanian administrative-territorial units [in Romanian]
  • Oana PopescuGIS for valorizing hardly accessible mountain areas with a complex touristic potential, for inclusion in circuits. Case study: Lotru Valley - Olteţ Valley [in Romanian]
  • Alina ChicoşCompetitive advantages of identity-productive territories in Romanian rural space – wine regions [in Romanian]
  • Viorica NiculescuRural accessibility – key issue for balanced spatial development [in Romanian]
  • Alexandru-Ionuţ PetrişorEfficient use of resources under the framework of sustainable development of different types of territories [in Romanian]
  • Adriana VartanoffVâlcea County GIS-based spatial plan [in Romanian]
  • Lidia Florescu“Traian Vuia” Airport – Autoroute – DN 6 spatial plan [in Romanian]
  • Elena Stancu, Elena Avădanei, Alina Chicoş, Florin Chiperi, Mariana Dorobanţu, Irina Moldoveanu, Viorica Niculescu, Cosmin Olteanu, Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor, Gabriel Preoteasca, Monica Tache, Dinu Zaharescu, Cristina Ivana, Mioara Dumitru, Ancuţa Ghioldea, Veronica Crăciun, Adriana Calderan, Iosefina Bogdan, Gabi Niţu, Consuela Neacşa, Ion HorşiaVrancea County Spatial Plan [in Romanian]
  • Daniel-Gabriel VâlceanuImplementation of the national thermal rehabilitation of buildings: advantages and disadvantages [in Romanian]
  • Mircea Grigorovschi, Andreea GrigorovschiLandscape architecture, semiotic process [in Romanian]
  • Emil-Sever Georgescu, Ioan Constantin Praun, Ioan Sorin BorciaEarthquake instrumental monitoring of buildings [in Romanian]
  • Avram Jurca, Ionel Mircea, Ioan RoşuRehabilitation of a sport hall within an education unit [in Romanian]
  • Ştefania RădulescuExperimental research on the behavior of systems for facades exposed to fire action [in Romanian]
  • Andreea Hegyi, Carmen DicoAnalytical techniques on the influence of using zinc enforcements on the durability of enforced concrete [in Romanian]
  • Alina Cobzaru, Constantin Miron, Monica Chereches, Ionel PuscasuStudy on evaluating humidity in masonry elements of Iaşi National Theatre [in Romanian]
  • Vasilica Vasile, Ştefania RădulescuBuilding finishing. Trends [in Romanian]

  • Vol. 1, issue no. 1 / 2010


    Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, vol. 1, issue no. 1
  • Cerasella CrăciunUrban metabolism and landscape informational mobility [in Romanian]
  • Alexandru-Ionuţ PetrişorEvaluation of risks due to climate changes in the Romanian part of Tisza river basin [in Romanian]
  • Angelica StanUrban culture - urban cultural landscape [in Romanian]
  • Simona Bara, Alexandra Antal, Mariana BarbuThe heritage of former military bases passed to a civilian status between reality and forgetting [in Romanian]
  • Mircea Grigorovschi, Andreea GrigorovschiUrban landscapes – signal edifices [in Romanian]
  • Vasile MeiţăEcological materials for Danube Delta constructions [in Romanian]
  • Emil-Sever GeorgescuUrbanism, architecture and constructions inn Romanian seismic areas: from Carlton block to curtain facades [in Romanian]
  • Claudiu MateiBehavior of ceilings with beams and filling bodies to soliciting in the same plane [in Romanian]
  • Irina Popa, Vasilica VasileThe Black Sea coast – severe soliciting for over-ground enforced concrete buildings [in Romanian]
  • Constantin Miron, Constantin BogosHydrothermal research and testing lab, instrument for the experimental verification of the quality of buildings, equipments and efficient energy use [in Romanian]
  • Liana Terec, Henriette SzilágyiSelf-compacting concrete for precast building industry [in Romanian]
  • Ion Scordaliu, Eugen LaszloStudies for experimental determination of dynamic the characteristics of foundation grounds [in Romanian]
  • Marta Cristina ZahariaImprovement and modernization of design methods in building acoustics. Computational software using for the acoustic design of public audition halls [in Romanian]

  • Official launching (November 27, 2010)